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Essai de la Yamaha MT-07


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I always had 4 cylinder bikes, so I had to get used to this bi cylinder. The more I ride it, the more it grows on me. It has a LOT of torque, so much that I don't feel much differences accelerating alone or with a passager.

I like the way I seat, and yes, I feel like seating on the tank.

I heard you can wheelie on 3rd, but as I still don't know how to wheelie, so I won't offer my direct experience about it.

On another note, you can start the bike on 3rd. This can be very practical.

On a bad note, the rear seat is shit after 30 minutes. You have to look down to see your speed. The mirrors need to be extended, as many bikes, all you see are your elbows.

Over all, I like the bike for what it is and the price was great.

Thanks for your vid, Fazerman.

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